Thursday, April 28, 2011

DAY 5 Cottonwood AZ toWinslow AZ 107 MILES

Hi everyone today we climed from cottonwood to winslow to get there we went through sedona az very kool place.Red rock was awsome lots of climing shops and bike shops such a great place to viset.Then it was of to flagstaff az it was like being home with all the pine trees .You could feel the lack of oxegen we were above 5000 feet all day cottonwood is at 6500.Well of to Albuquerque ,NM .600 Miles down many more to go i leave you with a couple of pics from old rt 66 talk to you soon MANNY :)

1 comment:

  1. Looking good, Eric. I posted a lot of information on my Facebook page. Keep pounding, brother. Jay
