Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Thanks for all the support

Well one more day and im off to cali cant wait.I want to say thank you so much to all the people that supported myself and LCRF your genorousity has ben awsome .A big thank you to every one at the gyms i teach at advanced cardio and strenth and Boston athletic club thanx again guys and keep spinning "ILL BE BACK" ,Also to my bro mark travis of travis cycle thanx markie could not have done it with out your support.Kara and rick alterio also for having the fundraiser at there house and for the sox tickets thanx guys your awsome and BIG kenny for the yacht club time it was awsome .Thank you to all the people who bought raffle tickets and who sold raffle tickets you all have done a great thing and supported a great cause LUNG CANCER REASERCH FOUNDATION .Thanx to every one at LCRF for all there help with every thing.Last but not least my wife michelle for helping me with every thing and for putting up with me over the last 6 months god knows it hasnt been easy thanx baby ,ill be pedaling home to you

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